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Changing engine oil and filter

Changing engine oil and filter are replaced according to the service maintenance interval or when the oil pan is removed due to engine service work. The service interval is prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer and may be based on mileage interval, time interval, operating conditions, or oil life. The type and amount of engine oil are also prescribed by the manufacturer.

The engine oil gets dirty over time and the additives wear out. Also, due to the wear of engine parts, small pieces of metal get into the oil. The filter removes particles found in the oil, such as carbon from combustion or small metal flakes. The heavier particles fall to the bottom of the oil pan. The oil filter is changed periodically to ensure that it does not clog, which would restrict the flow of oil and the smooth lubrication of engine parts.

For longer and proper engine operation, dirty and worn oil is periodically removed, as well as a dirty oil filter. The replacement interval and the type of engine oil are prescribed by the vehicle manufacturer and it is necessary to adhere to the given recommendations.

Changing engine oil

Draining the oil from the engine is done when the engine is fully warmed up. This allows the dirt to mix more easily with the oil and get it out of the engine together. You need to be careful when draining because the oil temperature is between 90-140 ° C and can burn you.

The drain plug is located on the lower side of the oil pan. The vehicle is raised to the appropriate height. A drain pan is placed under the engine near the drain plug, assessing the oil trajectory when the plug is removed.

In some vehicles, the drain plug is magnetic to attract metal chips that settle to the bottom of the oil pan. By removing the plug, the chips are removed and it is necessary to clean it before installation.

There is a seal on the oil drain plug, which should be inspected and possibly replaced after removing the plug. Gaskets made of plastic, aluminium or fibre are disposable. They change because they are deformed to accommodate oil pan and plug irregularities. Such a seal will not adjust well when reused and oil leakage will occur. Excessive tightening can damage the oil pan thread, especially if it is made of aluminium. Only silicone seals can be reused if they are not damaged.

The drain plug should be tightened with the appropriate tightening force. If it is loosely tightened while driving, the plug may fall off, leaking oil which can lead to engine destruction if not stopped immediately. On the other hand, if the plug is overtightened, the threads on the oil pan can be damaged, which requires replacement of the oil pan, especially if it is made of aluminium.

When the drain plug and new oil filter are installed, the vehicle is lowered, the oil cap is removed and the appropriate oil is added as recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. After pouring the recommended amount, the oil level is checked, the engine is started and the condition around the plug and filter is monitored for leaks, oil level and pressure. If the pressure is lower or the level is insufficient, the engine is stopped and oil is added. When the engine reaches operating temperature, check the level once more and add oil to the maximum if necessary.

Changing oil filter

While the oil circulates through the lubrication system, the filter removes particles from the oil that arise from various sources (carbon, metal chips…). There are two types of oil filters, spin-on and cartridge.

The spin-on is a one-piece filter with a housing and a threaded base. It is removed with a special filter wrench and mounted exclusively by hand. The filter is supplied with a rubber sealing ring. Always make sure that the old sealing ring is removed as it often sticks to the engine block. If the new one is mounted over the old one, the oil will leak during engine operation.
When the spin-on filter is mounted over the surface of the sealing ring, a little oil is applied. In this way, it is lubricated by turning it together with the filter while tightening. An ungreased seal may fall out of the filter groove during tightening and oil may leak.

Spin-on oil filter

When installing the threaded filter, it is necessary to take into account the correct grooving and tightening force. To make sure that there is no cross-threaded, start the installation by hand and try to pull out the filter. If it is not pulled out then the filter is properly studded and can be mounted all the way. Then the filter is rotated five full threads until the seal touches the block bearing. If it does not rotate at least five full turns by hand, unscrew it and try again. Once it rotates properly, you can manually tighten it as specified by the filter manufacturer, usually about three-quarters to one turn, which is enough tightening force.

The second type of filter has a reusable metal or plastic housing and a replaceable filter, a cartridge. When the filter cartridge is removed, the housing is cleaned and the cartridge and all sealing rings are replaced with new ones. Some filters are located at the bottom of the engine and some at the top. If the filter is on top of the engine, there is a good chance that you will have to fill the filter housing before installing the cover.

Cartridge oil filter

To change the engine oil and filter, follow these steps:

Draining the engine oil

Warm up the engine. Raise the vehicle. Place a container under the oil drain plug in the oil pan. Loosen the drain plug with a suitable wrench. After releasing the drain plug, quickly remove it so that the oil can drain freely into the container.

Replacing oil filter

While the oil is draining, loosen and remove the threaded oil filter with a filter wrench. Check that the filter seal is removed from the engine. Place the filter in the oil drain pan so that it can be drained. If it is a cartridge filter, remove the cover from the filter housing. Remove the filter cartridge and gasket.

Installing the filter

Confirm that you have the appropriate filter and seals. Clean the area where the filter fits. Spread a little oil over the surface of the sealing ring. Start turning the filter by hand and make sure that it cannot be pulled. Rotate the filter until it lightly touches the base. Tighten for another three-quarter to one turn. If it is a cartridge, clean the housing and insert the filter. Oil the seal, set it in place, and install and tighten the housing cover.

Refilling oil

Before installing the drain plug, remove the sawdust if it is magnetic, and wipe its threads and the sealing surface with a clean cloth. Place a new seal on the plug or an old one if it is reusable. Tighten the plug according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Remove the oil filler cap and slowly pour in the recommended amount of oil. The use of a funnel prevents oil from spilling on the engine. Check the oil level, replace the cover, start the engine and allow it to warm up. While the engine is running, check that there is no oil leaking on the plug and filter. Check the level and if it is insufficient stop the engine and top up. After warming up, switch off the engine, check the oil level again and top up if necessary. Wipe off leaking oil on the engine and under the vehicle, and store drained the oil and old filter properly.

Reset service interval

Enter the date, mileage and oil type in the service book. Reset the service interval of the oil change on the instrument panel as a reminder to the driver according to the instructions for the given vehicle.

See also

Video recommendation